Hey there! My name is in fact not Spriggits, but Jordan. Spriggits was a name I made up from well, what I thought was a word. I'm kind of known for making up words I am convinced you could find in a dictionary. I guess this time I combined "sprig" and "spigot" which smooshed together, became the perfect name for my business.
Pictured to the right is my mom dropping by to surprise me with snacks at an event I did a the Auburn Mall in 2023.
July 1st, 2022 was the launch day of our website. I'd love to say the opening day but we currently don't have a physical and shoppable store so launch seems the more appropriate term to use. The technical date that Spriggits came to be was when I filed the papers that are essentially a business birth certificate if you will back in February of 2022. If you think of the business as starting in February then that means in just a couple weeks that Spriggits will be 2 years old! With it being a new year its time to write out some new blog posts and prep for another hopefully busy season. I realized that I hadn't written a post about Spriggits yet but rather just tips and tricks and whatnot. A year in review seems fittings for the first month of the year don't you think?

In 2020 I started taking sustainable living seriously. I became much more aware of the climate crisis and the impact of my own carbon footprint. I started slowly cutting out single use plastics in my day to day when I could, air drying my laundry, and repurposing and reusing over recycling whenever possible to name a few efforts. Then one day my hobby for starting new hobbies intertwined with my low waste lifestyle and I started experimenting with making my own soap. The first few batches were not so usable... I absolutely got a minor lye burn and began to doubt it was a good hobby to continue. After lots more research and a little bit of a learning cure I started to figure it out and my friends and family loved my new natural soaps. Pictured here is actually a couple of the first soaps I ever made!

The next year I set soaping to the back burner to take care of my dad once we found out he had cancer. It was a rocky year but we grew closer in those moments and I am thankful for that. He would always ask me if I was going to be moving up the ladder and become manager and while I did take on a lot of responsibilities at my previous job, it wasn't the right place for me. Now I am the Boss of my own company and I know my dad would be really proud which is something that makes me smile to think about.
In 2022 after a period of grieving, I had a realization that life can be so short and I shouldn't delay my dreams. I got serious about starting up Spriggits and now here we are two years later where I turned my passion into a purpose. There are a handful of people in my life that I am so grateful to for their endless support from the start but many people I have come to meet along the way that have continued to fill my cup and keep me going on this wonderful journey.
The first year we had only launched an online shop, but the second year we attended 39 event days across Maine and New Hampshire. Often times I stay up until 2 in the morning prepping for shows and get up at 4 in the morning the same day to pack, travel, and unpack for the event in question sometimes 3 days in a row. Yes, I am 100% running on caffeine and sheer will those days. It is only January 9th as I am writing this now and we have 21 event days booked so far!
I have learned a lot being a business owner. I have always liked to support small businesses before owning one but now understand on another level the value of that support and how much it truly means to that maker/owner. I have learned value life skills and have create the opportunity for myself to continue to learn each day. I am still working on that time malmanagement one but I mean we all have to have that one things, right? I gained friendships with wonderful like minded individuals and got to know many of members of my community that I might have never met otherwise.
Here is to a year of more challenges, and adventures. I am excited to see where Spriggits will be in 2025. I invite you to take a minute and think about how far you made it in 2023 and invite great things into fruition for yourself in 2024.
P.S If there is something you would like us to write about in a future post please leave your idea in the comments below!