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Frizzy who? Not you! Not with this powerful natural conditioner by your side to put those stray hairs in their place. When using a conditioner bar, much like a shampoo bar you can apply it directly to your hair. You can apply by starting at the top of your head or closer to your roots and stroking downwards to the roots. Avoiding the scalp is a great method for oily hair types or to decrease your need to wash as frequently. You do not want to go against the growth of your hair by going from bottom to top as this results in unnecessary friction and could damage your hair. Once you feel you have a sufficient amount in your hair (a little goes a long way) then you can gently rub it in as you would with liquid conditioner. For best results, allow this to sit in your hair for 5-10 minutes while you carry on with the rest of your bathing routine. Finally, rinse thoroughly. If you have extra dry hair you can do a partial rinse which leaves some of that conditioning goodness in for extra moisture.

Conditioner Bar - Honey So Supple

Only 6 left in stock
  • Care: Keep out of running water and dry when not in use by using a soap lift or other suitable replacement. If left in water, the bar will not last as long and could become too soft to hold its shape. 

    Use: Always test the product on a small area of your skin for any potential sensitivities prior to use.

    Bars can differ slightly in appearance as these are hand pressed into molds, so there may be small imperfections. 

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